
Professional skincare advice for acne

Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin condition and affects around 80% of the population. There is no quick fix to treating acne skin. It’s important to know that there are many different aspects that affect acne and that may contribute towards a flare up.

I advise a 6–12-month timeframe to see progress in treating any skin condition and this can be ongoing.

I will advise treatment outside of my scope of practice if necessary and this could be in seeking treatment with a nutritionist for specific dietary support or a Doctor for systemic treatment.

It is crucial to try and catch the acne early on to begin treatment, lifestyle changes and to also help prevent long-term scarring to the skin.

What causes acne?

Acne usually will have a root cause that is internal and have various triggers.

  • Excess Sebum Production: Sebaceous glands in the skin produce sebum, an oily substance that helps lubricate and protect the skin. In individuals prone to acne, these glands may produce an excessive amount of sebum, leading to oily skin and clogged pores.
  • Clogged Pores: Dead skin cells continuously shed from the skin’s surface. When these cells mix with the excess sebum, they can clog the hair follicles, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive.
  • Bacterial Involvement: The skin naturally contains bacteria, including Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). When trapped in clogged pores, P. acnes can multiply rapidly and trigger an immune response, leading to inflammation.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, particularly during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and certain medical conditions (e.g., polycystic ovary syndrome), can influence sebum production and increase the likelihood of acne development. Androgens, including testosterone, play a significant role in these hormonal changes.
  • Genetics: Acne can run in families, indicating a genetic predisposition to the condition. If a person’s parents or close relatives had acne, they might be more prone to experiencing it as well.
  • Diet and Gut Health: This varies person to person and while it may not always be the root cause of your acne, having a balanced and nutrient dense diet will help your body balance hormones and blood sugar aid toxin removal and help with the healing processes within- This also comes into play in not only what we eat but how it is processed within our body. Are we getting the nutrients from our food or is there an issue with absorption? Gut Health and care needs to be looked at especially if we have been on long term antibiotics, are not pooping daily, experience IBS type symptoms or have used medications to treat skin conditions.

Recommended Treatments for Acne

My go to for acne treatment is the Byonik Pulsed Laser, Skin Infusions and Skin Peels. 

Recommended Products for Acne

Purity Clean 
Obagi Clenziderm Pore Therapy
Osmosis Rescue MD
Skin Better Clearing Serum, Skin Better AlphaRet
Ultrasun nd Evy SPF