Phototherapy is “the use of light to enhance biological activity”.
Phototherapy is not a new science and over 1000 clinical studies have studied the effects of light on our bodies: Phototherapy is the exposure of cells and tissue to low levels of visible or near infrared light.
When these wavelengths penetrate the skin they are absorbed by the mitochondria of the cell which starts a cascade of inter and extracellular reactions that promotes healthier skin. These reactions first begin when the light is absorbed by the cells mitochondria and continue to work even after the light has been switched off. Studies have demonstrated that red and near infra-red light at specific energy levels;
Enhances the production of adenosine triphosphate ( ATP) which enhances cellular metabolism and proliferation
Enhances cellular balance repairing homeostasis within the cell and between cells
Increases blood flow and lymph activity to improve tissue oxygenation, eliminate toxins and accelerate healing
Increases cell proliferation in cell typesinvolved in promoting and maintaining healthy skin
Increases collagen and elastin synthesis.